Monday, January 11, 2010

Glass Corner Shower Is It "to Code" In Harris Co., Houston, Tx To Have Pipes For A Shower In An Outside Wall (inside The House)?

Is it "to code" in harris co., houston, tx to have pipes for a shower in an outside wall (inside the house)? - glass corner shower

I am rebuilding my bathroom and I want to change, if the shower, but in one corner of the house. as it is now, the previous owners built an ugly wall and ran through the pipes, but it makes the bathroom was very narrow. We want to demolish the wall and into a glass corner shower, but how will the pipes on the outside wall. This would be the code? Is there any reason not to? not really where we are still freezing. Thanks for the help ...

1 comment:

  1. Not sure about Texas, but the code says his country well, with some limitations. He really wants to separate what is not fair to the wall anyway, and I understand they are needed. as the owner of the house that you can do what he wants, the only question that arises when it is time to sell. Then things have to be prepared for it and everything. I want to isolate it had no way to reduce transpiration and keep the heat on the hot side and cold on the cold side, or rather heat the cold side. Foam on the slot of the work in the appropriate size. You can use a styrofoam to go (around the real, the white matter not cheap blue) box around them and they look like a wooden beam by the effects of applying paint or contact paper. I recommend a copper tube so that you can work with him, even if CPVC in ease of use, not regular cheap white PVC. CPVC is dimmed.
